SungSan AMDECO Co.,Ltd.
Sungsan Amdeco's company conviction is "Speed", "Precision", and "Strength". We try our best to make high quality products by following the convictions. Customization technology development that satisfies customers various needs and wants is the major power and the pride of Sungsan Amdeco. The company developed many precise and strong cutting equipment as the result of 10 years of constant research and quality renovation. As of now, we are recognized widely throughout the country for the quality and the brand. Especially, the ROTARY INDEX M/C that we have developed is a multi functional cutting and processing system that earned an EM Mark from the Ministry of Industry and Resources in May, 1997. We think that the surviving strategy of future companies is optimizing core competition through choice and concentration. We created a research and development team at the attached research institution to decide on the concept of the machine that the customer asked for, and also operating a Task Force team to develop products at a lower cost. Our development goals are developing equipment that are multi functional, highly efficient, and environmental friendly. Also, we focus on the next generation exclusive model development that can be linked to IT technology via network. We invest over 6% of the yearly total sales to acquire the original technology of factory automation, remote diagnosis system, and flexible manufacturing system, which are the technologies needed for the late industrial society's industrial environment. We expect your constant interest and advice so that we could become a professional brand. On the Verge of the Second Leap, Lee, Jung Ho.